Tuesday 17 February 2009

My Dream Coat

There was one thing I knew for certain I wanted to wear at my wedding: A midnight blue velvet coat. I had a dream about this coat about 5 years ago and it was so vivid and I loved the coat so much that I wrote it down in my ideas notebook. The coat was tailored to fit my upper body and became fuller at the skirt. Outside it was a beautiful dark blue luxurious velvet and inside it had a light blue silk lining. I always dreamed of getting the coat made. So when it came to the wedding I knew this was the perfect opportunity to make my dream come true. It was impossible to find a blue coat in an ordinary shop but my fiance's mother is a seamstress, so she generously offered to make the coat. I've been collecting images of what might work but haven't decided on the final design yet. I've been leaning toward something slightly military or regency in style as I like the button detail.

Photo Credits:
Top Row from Left: black velvet coat Paisley Babylon, Elizabeth Bennett in Pride & Prejudice 1980, White Bridal Coat, Unknown

Hard to Find Boots

Ah my boots! From the beginning I had decided not to wear traditional shoes although there are so many beautiful examples about such as these Christian Louboutin or these. And who says that the shoes have to be conventional?

I decided I wanted white leather boots - neat and perfectly formed and perfect for a winter wedding. Initial research on the net soon proved that finding these boots would be difficult. There were satin examples and cowboy boots but nothing that I liked. Then I found the perfect example on an American vintage clothing website. They are exactly what I'm looking for: white, leather, elegant, lace-up and I love the fact that they have some history to them. They are Victorian era boots from around 1900 and were originally wedding boots. I'd love to know what the Victorian bride who wore them looked like and how surprised she'd be to think a bride in the 21st Century would be wearing them.

Friday 13 February 2009

A Winter Holiday

I'm swapping the snow in Britain for snowboarding in Canada (a very generous engagement present from my brother) and will be back on the 19th February.

Happy wedding hunting till then!


Tuesday 10 February 2009

Winter Wedding

I was never a girl to keep a wedding scrapbook of ideas for when she'd finally meet the man of her dreams. I never had an idea of what my future wedding would look like - I think the idea of getting married was big enough an idea to get my head around as it was!

One image I did have though was that I would get married in an English country church in the summer surrounded by wild flowers and butterflies with (what every bride dreams of) glorious sunshine.

When it came to being engaged though both my fiance and I loved the idea of getting married in winter. We imagined log fires, cosy interiors, being wrapped up, lots of candles, chestnuts, pumpkins and comfort food, hot drinks like mulled wine and hot chocolate. So we set the date for our wedding for 28th November 2009.

I'm always looking for interesting winter wedding ideas so expect to see all the good things I find posted here!

Monday 9 February 2009

6 Weddings...or 7?

My fiance says it was very unfair. He's planned his engagement to me when none of his friends had any plans to get engaged. Then by the time he got around to proposing five of our friends were engaged!

So this year we have five weddings to go before our own. Which makes six weddings including our own. And I've just found out (through Facebook, typical eh?) that one of my friends just got engaged yesterday. So maybe it will be seven weddings this year, phew. It seems to be the way it happens or at least it did with me: one moment you and your friends are single, the next moment you all have serious boyfriends and then BOOM! you've got six weddings to go to in one year!

I'm very excited to go to all these weddings and will have to resist the temptation to bring a notepad with me to write down any great ideas I notice...

Welcome to a new wedding blog!

I have a confession. I am addicted to wedding blogs. I haven't come across many British blogs and so I'm here to correct that with this blog.

Really this is just a way of noting down all my ideas so I hope you have as much fun browsing as I will writing!

Love from...
A winter Bride
